Help Global Warming. "Bushanol" is not the solution to global warming. Ethanol has been in place since 1920, not a panacea in the fight against global warming. Most scientists agree that increased energy efficiency in energy consumption and no significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, when seen in this series produced. Although the administration of President George W. Bush, at least look for alternatives and it seems that a lack of imagination. We need bold decisions, the concept of a demonstrable need in the White House.
Ethanol can not stay away from gas and fuels. Simply plays into the hands of the big oil companies and car manufacturers. If the audience is led to believe that ethanol will help solve climate problem they are less stringent emission standards for promotion or at the express request of the new technologies. Again, hold a major advantage of the control blocks for national policy and divert attention from the nation away from the real issues. Help Global Warming Article.
While ethanol production technologies offer some hope to win so much in America of foreign oil, and production methods are not available on the worldwide food prejudices. Some time ago the president announced that America about energy technologies, major producing countries. He was referring to ethanol?
If the energy possibilities why the White House, the development of these technologies to prevent? Where to run on solar and wind power and small hydro fuel cell technology? A few years ago, the company is working with small units of analysis of domestic solar electric power, and around the city to produce its own hydrogen. This would then provide the hydrogen needed to power this will be your home with electricity. A byproduct of this progress to heat the house and this process is free of pollution. If the devices now and why she did not receive priority of national policy? It gives view of the world, she was Tesla ways to harness free electricity from the atmosphere developed. It is assumed that the intention is seized and destroyed or somewhere in the bowels of some federal building.
The Bush administration approach to climate change, and if in some future phenomena that can be processed for twenty years. This is not true and the lack of activity affects us all. Despite the growing public opinion and awareness of the need for alternative energy is still not the urgency of this matter. It is clear what he had done about the direction the Bush administration is still governed and guided by the oil companies.
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